Babies and young children (under the age of seven) are baptized upon their parents’ request.
Baptisms are celebrated:
The chosen minister of Baptism (deacon or priest) meets with families before the Baptism, to review the theology of the sacrament, to anticipate the ritual of the sacrament and answer any questions about godparents, etc.
To prepare for the baptism of an older child (seven or older) or an adult, the formation process of RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children) or RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is followed.
Help in how to choose sponsors (godparents).
There are three possibilities for sponsors (godparents) according to the Code of Canon Law:
Only the names of sponsors are recorded in the baptismal registry.
Sponsors must meet the following qualifications:
If a sponsor cannot be present for baptism, the sponsor may serve through a proxy. A proxy must have the same qualifications as a sponsor. The name of a proxy is additionally put in the baptismal registry.
To schedule a Baptism please fill out the form below.