We are a community of disciples of Jesus Christ that journeys together supporting one another in coming closer to God, finding healing and living out the values of the Gospel as we grow and come slowly to live for others and to give glory to God.
No matter who you are, where you have been, or where you find yourself in your spiritual journey you are welcome here, this is your home and we are here to serve you. Even more, we have been waiting for you with longing love and will run out to meet you, bring you in and celebrate that you have come home to God's endless mercy and love.
We want you to know always that you are a beloved daughter or son of God, you are loved beyond your wildest imagination and always forgiven. In God's love you are called to find eternal meaning and purpose in offering your life and love to others and we are here to journey with you, we are all works in progress, we all have beautiful gifts to share, we all face challenges and struggles and are still trying to grow. If you are seeking meaning, want to experience God's love, are just trying to be a little better, need healing or want to serve, come and see...
Feel free to look around this website, to give us a call, to come to one of our churches just for some quiet time or to join us for liturgy, you are always welcome!
How to navigate this website?
The Catechism teaches that we were created to know, love and serve God. It is only in doing this that we will find our true identity and encounter joy and peace. We are a people of joy and gratitude and so, we celebrate.
This website is organized around these 4 words: Know, Love, Serve, Celebrate. In the "Know" section you will find all related to faith formation for all ages and learning more about God and coming to knowledge with our mind. In the "Love" section you will find all related to prayer, liturgy, worship all the ways to come closer to God in an intimate and personal relationship of understanding with our heart. In the "Serve" section you will find all related to the different opportunities to serve the parish and the wider community, to come to live in wisdom, this is to allow our knowledge and understanding of God to actually transform who we are and what we do with our hands, to live how we believe, to live for others like Christ, to be His hands. In the "Celebrate" section you will find all the ways in which we become aware of the grace of God in our lives and rejoice in God love as we accept the invitation to collaborate with God presence and work within us, we do this through the Sacraments, so you will find all the information on Sacraments in this section: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Matrimony and Holy Orders. In this section you will also find information on Funerals, in which we celebrate the most sacred of gifts we have received from God: the gift of life, human and eternal.
In the General Information Section you will find all the practical things: our office hours and contact info, our bulletins and information on each of our churches.
You will also find a section on all the efforts we make to protect our children.