If you are interested in joining any of these ministries, want more information or want to receive service from one of these ministries please contact Dawn Burdick at (585) 622-4594 or via email at dawn.burdick@dor.org.
The Risen Christ is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. Jesus laid down his life for each one of us at Calvary. We all reenter and celebrate that act of redemption every time we celebrate the Sacred Liturgy. Through the celebration of the Eucharist, Jesus the Good Shepherd and High Priest, completes the work of our Redemption. In the celebration of the Eucharist, Jesus accomplishes this work through the collaboration of ministers. First among these ministers is the Priest, who ordained into the ministerial priesthood of Jesus Christ, offers the sacrifice in the person of Christ himself. Led by and united to the priest, all the baptized configured to Christ, the priest and Good Shepherd, also offer their own sacrifice by their active participation in the Liturgy. Our active participation in the Sacred Liturgy is not to be taken lightly, for through our collaboration, Jesus the Eternal Priest, completes the work of our redemption. We participate actively in the liturgy by an open and prayerful disposition, by intentionally singing and responding, by meditating on what God is doing for us, by our reverent partaking in Most Holy Communion. We also participate actively in the Liturgy and collaborate in Jesus’ work by fulfilling a number of different liturgical roles. I invite all to remember that through our Baptism, we were called to continue Christ’s Mission, that through Baptism we were configured to Christ the Priest. I invite all to reflect on how that calling might be specified in your life. I invite all to consider with a generous heart how they can collaborate with this redemptive work of Christ in the Liturgy and in doing so lay down their lives for their brothers and sisters. Please consider stepping up to serve in one or more of these liturgical roles.
Altar servers make our liturgies go smoothly and witness to the whole community the actual practice of the Lord’s commandment to love that is service.
Those involved in decorating our churches so beautifully help us have a glimpse of God, who is the perfection of beauty and in help us understand how: God’s work, the beauty of nature (such as that of our natural flowers, bees wax candles, etc.), and human agency (your generous and loving work), collaborate to bring about salvation.
Our music directors, cantors and all choir members, help us raise our souls in prayer through music. As Saint Augustine says: the one who sings, prays twice. They witness to the whole community the unity we are called to, through the unity of your voices and instruments.
Our Proclaimers of the Word, reverently allow themselves to become the mouth piece for the Word of God so that the story of salvation can become alive for us, once again.
Our sacristans and all who work behind the scenes to prepare for all our liturgies witness to the salvific power of quiet service and a hidden life, reminding us all that our small daily tasks, when done with love become extraordinary and bring many blessings into this world.
Our greeters, who help us make all feel welcome in our parishes as they are always welcomed home by our merciful Father.
Our ushers, in collecting the offering and bringing it before the altar, mediate the offering of the whole community, who offering some of the fruits of their labor, acknowledge that all comes from God, offer thanks to God and offer their whole self to their provident creator through the token of their contribution.
Those who take care of our altar linens, corporals and purificators, who reverently prepare these consecrated cloths for the celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist witness to us all the reverence we owe the Blessed Sacrament and the care we ought to put in receiving Communion with an open, loving and grateful heart.
Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, humbly perform this awesome task of feeding their brothers and sisters with the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, nourishment for Eternal Life.