If you are interested in joining any of these ministries, want more information or want to receive service from one of these ministries please contact Dawn Burdick at (585) 622-4594 or via email at dawn.burdick@dor.org.
Experiencing illness and/or old age is not an easy process, yet it is time of grace in which as we find ourselves aparently powerless we hopefully rely more and more on the Lord. You might have noticed that before we said: "aparently powerless" and that is because we must acknowledge that very human feeling and suffering of powerlessness as we see our capacity and strength diminished and as we loose control over our health and our bodies, yet our faith invites us to discover that there is power in weakness.
If we consider that Jesus worked very hard for three years: healing, preaching, teaching, performing miracles, and in that time managed to convert/save about 150 people if we add up the people he healed that followed him, the women that followed him and the disciples and apostles, and this only to a certain degree since only 3 remained at the foot of the Cross, yet by three hours of powerlessness and suffering hanging on the Cross he managed to save the whole of humanity we will see that there is a great power in weakness and suffering that even excedees that of activity. The sick and the elderly have a tremendous mission and service that they perform in the Church. In their suffering and illness they become the Church's reserve of salvation, through their mission of prayer they save us all. They accomplish this mission of salvation in a spiritual way by fulfilling their mission as members of the Body of Christ, which is to pray, but they also accomplish this mission is a very visible way, we all have seen how an illness, or the presence of a person with dissabilities will bring families together, how the sick and elderly call out in us our ability to serve and to care for someone else and in this way they effectively help us become who we are in the image of God and the likeness of jesus Christ. In this sense, the second component of the Mission of the Elderly and/or Sick in the Church is to allow others to serve them, to request help and care, since in that way they bring out the best in us, and make possible our salvation. We celebrate this two-fold mission and offer them the healing assitance of God's grace through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
Anointing of the Sick
If you or a loved one wishes to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact Fr. Daniel at (585) 210-3024.
We celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick during Mass peridiocally. All are welcome and invited to participate in these Masses and to receive the sacrament of Anointing if they find themselves in what we can call a "limit situation", this is a situation of diminished physical or mental health either temporary or permanent that has made them aware of their own mortality and limitations opening them up to the need for God and the work of grace.
Visitation Ministry
This all-inclusive and shared ministry of laity and clergy ensures that all Catholics - whether hospitalized, in a healthcare facility, a senior living center, hospice, or homebound - have the opportunity for consistent and regular pastoral visits, including reception of Holy Communion, from someone representing their Catholic community. Training is offered each year. Members of this ministry will tell you that the rewards you receive from visitation are far greater than the gifts you bear. We continue to provide the sick and homebound with visits and Holy Communion following all safety protocols. At this time only Father is doing this ministry. Members of the household of the sick or homebound can also bring them Communion with Father's delegation and instructions. To request a visit and/or Holy Communion please contact Father Daniel directly. If you or someone you are caring for wishes to be visited with Holy Communion please contact Fr. Daniel at (585) 325-4041
Prayer for the sick and shut-in
Our Prayer Chains and in general anyone that consults our bulletin for the intentions, offer prayers for our sick brothers and sisters.